Sunday, October 31, 2004

Is it Wrong?

I have the uncanny ability to justify any action. I guess that comes from having a Philosophy degree. Take DVD piracy, for instance. I must admit, I own (relative term) my share of illegitimate DVD titles. Now here comes the justification:

During the days of VHS I owned (and still own) a butt-load of movies (roughly 500). Now, once you own a title, I figure you have rights to that movie, regardless of the format. So, if I already own the VHS copy of a movie, where's the harm (or foul) in downloading or copying the DVD version of that movie?

I mean, I payed for the rights to own the movie. The studio, actors, and whoever else gets a cut of the revenue has already taken my money and long since spent it. I am CLEARLY justified in owning the movie in the best format possible. So that takes care of the movies I already own.

Here's where the justification gets a bit trickier:

Some of the movies I own on VHS (roughly 40%), I can't find on DVD, or I just can't be bothered to rent, download, or copy. I figure, by the same token, the studio owes me other DVD titles from their library. Also, if its a movie I have rented, surely I'm able to make a copy and watch it again later. I don't typically watch the movie when I initially rent it, so really I am allowed to rent the movie, copy it, and save the viewing of said movie for another day. I'm still only watching the movie once, and I have payed for the right to do that.

Now, I do have a problem with people who rent, copy, and sell DVD movies to others. That is JUST WRONG!!!!!

The Jesus Fish (too far)?

Let's start with a passage from the "good book":

One fish... Two fish... Red fish... Blue fish (Suess)

I was given a darwin fish for Christmas (how ironic) a couple of years back and I never got around to fixing it to the trunk of my car. Mine is the original! Simplistic in design. Traditional fish with legs. No words.

Now there are a myriad of spin-offs:

You can see more here

Even Christian groups have produced several retorts, showing a Jesus fish eating a Darwin fish, or the dead Darwin fish with the x'ed out eye.

The other day I spotted a new one... A Darwin fish, mounting a Jesus fish from behind.... Too far? You be the judge.

My reasoning for wanting one was simple. I am an atheist, and yet, am very interested in serious religious conversation. I have an open mind, and am always looking for intelligent and engaging conversation. I figured by displaying a Darwin fish, I could elicit such conversation from others. Also, I want to portray that both beliefs can co-exist. I have no issue with Christianity. In fact, I fully support those who have the ever illusive faith. Oh... I also think it's funny as hell!!