Monday, November 01, 2004


There's nothing that brings back the memory of early education than the aroma of Play-doh. It wasn't necessarily a "good" smell but you couldn't help but hold it to your nose and take a huge whiff!!!

actually come to think of it, play-doh might be responsible for the majority of the colds and other airborne germs passed around from child to child.

My mom had her own recipe for Playdough, but it just wasn't the same. I mean, sure it had the same, or better sculpting ability, but you didn't achieve the same "head rush" from inhaling a bunch of food couloured flour.


Blogger Trillian said...

In a recent CBC Radio 1 poll, the two smells that people associate most with childhood are Vics Vapo Rub and Play-doh. Personally, I like the play-doh smell way better. But I don't like the little bits that invariably get ground into the carpet - even if the kids are playing with it in the kitchen.

I wrap my kids in garbage bags and hermetically seal off my kitchen before opening a container of play-doh.

November 2, 2004 at 12:10 PM


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